
Building a Developer Virtualization Lab - Part 2

Building a Developer Virtualization Lab - Part 2

In my last post, Building a Developer Virtualization Lab - Part 1, we set up Promox 3.4 on a single node on a Dell C6100. Since that post one thing has changed, I was able to get the vagrant-proxmox plugin to work with the latest version of Proxmox (as of this this writing, version 4.4). Given that we are now able to use the latest version, the goals for this article are to:

  1. Install Promox 4.4 on all 4 nodes.
  2. Configure a Promox cluster.
  3. Configure users, groups and ACLs appropriate for Vagrant.
  4. Create a base CentOS 7 template to work with Vagrant.
  5. Install the vagrant-proxmox plugin and provision a CentOS VM.
  6. Demonstrate a Vagrantfile debugging technique when using the vagrant-proxmox plugin. This was critical in solving my problem of getting the plugin to work with Proxmox 4.4 and Linux Containers (LXC).
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