Blue Cheese Stuff Olives

 Well, I am not sure if this recipe falls under the food category, since it's really a garnish. But, I thought I'd share it with you as it's my preferred garnish in my dry gin martinis.

Like most martini aficionados, I love my olives. A couple of my favorite happy hour spots hand-stuff their olives with blue cheese. So, why not do the same at home? Don't settle for those store bought blue cheese olives. Trust me it's not the same!


  • Spanish queen olives with jalapenos
  • Blue cheese


Use a toothpick to remove the jalapenos and place the olives on a paper towel to remove excess olive juice.

Cut blue cheese into rectangular chunks (about the size of the hole). Then, get stuffing. If the cheese is too soft to work with, place it in the freezer for 5 minutes to harden.

Place three olives on a toothpick and add to your martini.

If you're like me, you'll enjoy the spiciness of the jalapeno with the saltiness of the blue cheese. I found that my guests that don't drink martinis actually really enjoy snacking on these as well. But really, they're better soaked in gin!