
Supporting Multi-Term Synonyms in hybris 5.4 / Solr 4.6.1

Supporting Multi-Term Synonyms in hybris 5.4 / Solr 4.6.1

Recently, I was working with a client on a hybris 5.4 implementation and was asked to import their synonyms from their current platform. Easy enough, right? Wrong. The out-of-the-box synonym integration allows business users to define multi-term synonyms on the "from-side” in the hMC; however, at the time of this writing, Sol 4.x does not natively support multi-term synonyms on the from-side of the synonym mapping. For example, if we had a synonym on the from-side (i.e., classic gaming console) mapped to the "to-side" (i.e., nintendo entertainment system), the hMC would silently allow this synonym definition. However, this would have no effect on the Solr-side.

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